To transform Anxiety British Columbia to Anxiety Canada, we worked with teams to create a national brand, website, newsletter, and completely redesigned MindShift anxiety app. It is estimate that up to 1/3 of Canadians have had to cope with anxiety. Here’s how this rewarding project came together.
Lori McNulty
Carter Hales
Brand strategy and development
Content Development
Web Design
App development
IWith over 100,000+ downloads, MindShift is one of the world’s most popular apps for coping with mild to moderate anxiety.
The new app was redesigned from the ground up to support users who didn’t have access to a therapist. MindShift is also a great tool for those users working with healthcare professionals.
Users are able to dial-in their daily levels of anxiety and track them over time. This level of insight, along with support for coping with and understanding the experience of mild or moderate anxiety, is helping to improve lives.
User Experience Research
Focus groups were set up to review what was working and how to improve, the old MindShift app.
Subject Matter Experts
Subject matter experts provided consultation to ensure the app would work well for users working on their own, and as a companion support to in-person therapy.
UX/UI Redesign
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Audio Recordings
All new recordings of mediation and breathing excersizes to help soothe anxiety suffering.
Let's Start Something NEW TOGETHER
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